Dwarf Hamsters

Have you always wanted to have your own little furry pet hamster?  Have you ever thought about purchasing a small hamster also known as a dwarf hamster?  Well if you haven’t purchased one yet then you need to go out and get your own pet dwarf hamster.  These creatures are very remarkable and make amazing little friends and great pets.  Although they are very small they can bring the average person or enthusiast lots of joy and happiness.  Here is an article that I wanted to share about the basics of dwarf hamster care.

The first thing I would like to discuss is using the proper materials for your dwarf hamsters bedding.  There are materials that should never be used for the bedding of these furry creatures and there are materials that can be used all the time for your new pets.  One material that you should never use with your dwarf hamster bedding is cedar.  Make sure that if you purchase materials at a pet store or anywhere else that it does not have any cedar in it.  You should substitute cedar with materials such as aspen and pine shavings.  Using these types will allow your dwarf hamsters to live healthier and will be more comfortable in its cage as long as you put the right materials in there. 

Now what type of hamster cages should you purchase for your new pet?  Well these hamsters are rather small which is why they are called dwarf hamsters and they will need a different type of cage than normal hamsters have.  The reason for this is that dwarf hamsters can actually fit through the bars of many hamster cages and can disappear during the night time when they are most active.  It wouldn’t be a great feeling to wake up one morning and find your dwarf hamster cage empty.  To prevent this from ever happening to you make sure that you get a cage that has very narrow bars so it cannot escape.  One type of hamster cage you can use is an aquarium type cage.  This is the best way to avoid having an escaped dwarf hamster and will also allow your hamster to roam around.  These cages also are very large and you will be able to fit many toys and exercise wheels in here for your dwarf hamster to use.

These are just a few things you should know about dwarf hamsters.  There are many more tips that I have to share with you and I will continue to write posts here about dwarf hamster care.  Keep coming back and seeing my new posts that I will write about these adorable creatures.  Have fun with your new pet.